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Norbar Blog


A Day in the life

10 Nov, 2021 |
I wanted to apply to Norbar because upon reading into Norbar I was extremely impressed by the high level of quality, precision, and pride they take with every single tool or component produced. I also wanted to apply to Norbar because every employee or apprentice that I had spoken to did not have a bad word to say about the company. As well as this I had heard that the apprenticeship scheme was fantastic and ensured that apprentices get complete support throughout their 4 years and continue to s...
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Well, for so many it has been 15 months or more since they last went to an actual event and saw visitors and exhibitors alike, face to face.Individuals and companies will have had a wide range of feelings and thoughts about going. We certainly flittered between being keen and being anxious. Particularly the latter when we heard on the grapevine that Network Rail - a major exhibitor, supporter, source of visitors, not to mention a lynch pin in the industry, were not going to be there. We were ple...
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Virtual Success

16 Feb, 2021 |
Due to the current climate last week, we took a fresh approach to our annual careers evening.We held 3 virtual evenings where we held 20 minute telephone calls offering advice and guidance to prospective apprentices. We were very encouraged by the numbers of people who took up the opportunity.Due to the quality of candidates that made the time and effort, we have every confidence that we will be able to successfully recruit 2 apprentices, who will join us in the summer.
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Banbury-based tools manufacturer Norbar Torque Tools Ltd is hosting a series of virtual careers evenings in February for young people looking to start a career in engineering and manufacturing.While Covid-19 prevents an in-person event, the company intends to demonstrate the career opportunities available virtually. The open evenings will be taking place on the 9, 10, and 11 February and attendees will be able to books slots between 6pm and 9pm to be able to discuss the structure and job roles v...
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Review of 2020

08 Jan, 2021 |
In my thirty years at Norbar, 2020 has undoubtedly been the most extraordinary.  Our year has been shaped by Covid-19 so inevitably it is going to crop up extensively in this review.  However, I will try not to make my review entirely about Covid-19!
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Careers Evening 2020

18 Feb, 2020 |
On Thursday 6th February we held our annual Careers Open Evening.Whilst a little disappointing in numbers compared with previous years, the quality of young people and enquiries were very good.  Andy, our new MD, was impressed by what we do.As always the presentations were excellent, so thank you to those involved and again we had lots of positive feedback from those who had not visited us before.We had a number of comments from parents who are amazed at what we do and if nothing else ...
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As we reached the end of 2019, I wonder how many people have said to me something along the lines of “where did that year go”?  And yet, once again, as I look back over the year, I am astonished by how much has been achieved.Here are some of my highlights from “a year in torque”.Quarter OneThe quarter started with something to celebrate: we learnt that December 2019 had been our best month of factory output ever and the fact that this happened in December when w...
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The Power of the Brand

05 Nov, 2019 |
We at Norbar all understand what it is we are part of, however, how we are perceived by the outside world is so often blurred by the bubble we exist in.As someone working in the full view of the general public, I believe that it is important to be seen as part on the Norbar family and therefore I am proud to wear branded clothing.On two occasions recently I have been stopped by members of the public who, recognising the Norbar name, told me of their experiences.The first was an elderly gentleman...
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This year Norbar joins Husum Wind for the first time in the North of Germany.The Husum Wind has a long history in the Wind Industry Market. This year was the 30th anniversary of this show.The first “Husum Wind Energy Days” took place in a livestock auction hall in 1989, back when hardly anyone anywhere in the world was taking wind energy seriously as an economic factor.It soon became obvious that this town on the windy North Sea had the potential to become a leading exhibition centre...
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Torque & Angle Explained

25 Sep, 2019 |
If we asked a handful of maintenance engineers what exactly they are trying to achieve when they tighten a bolt, it’s likely that we’d receive a wide range of answers.Strictly speaking, when we tighten bolts, we’re trying to stretch the bolt enough so that the elastic tension within it clamps the assembly together. That’s right – it’s one that’s easier done than said!In a perfect world we would always recommend measuring the tension in the bolt, as oppos...
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